Quick Overview
Drag & Drop Ease
CapdetWorks Features


CapdetWorks software is used as a planning level tool to help wastewater engineers to rapidly design and cost a new wastewater treatment plant.

The engineer simply drag-and-drops unit processes to build a wastewater treatment plant schematic.  There are over 60 treatment processes available covering the entire wastewater treatment plant, including biological nutrient removal and biosolids handling.

Once the user defines the influent and the desired effluent quality CadpetWorks will automatically calculate a plant design and estimate the cost to build, operate and maintain the facility. Numerous treatment alternatives and their costs can be developed very quickly.

CapdetWorks uses well accepted design algorithms to derive the required unit process designs. Unit cost estimation techniques are used for a majority of the treatment processes. Designs are based on many characteristics of the wastewater being treated, not just one parameter such as wastewater flow. The engineer can override many of the calculated designs.

CapdetWorks calculates all the costs - capital, operating and maintenance for each treatment alternative. Costs such as labor, amortization, land, concrete, pumps, pipes, power, haulage, chemicals, design fees are all included. Default costs are included however all costs can be localized for a specific geographic region. The users can also create their own cost index or apply published industry cost indices. The software supports multiple units of measurement.

There is also a scenario management feature that lets the engineer layout many treatment alternatives and rapidly calculate and compare costs between them.

An interactive sensitivity analysis feature helps the engineer to focus and work on parameters that most effect the treatment cost but still provides the desired performance.

CapdetWorks appeals to engineers who are planning or reviewing new facilities and to water authorities, governments, engineering consultants and contractors who are costing the delivery of them.